
Best Crypto Trading Bot for Passive Income in 2024

valuezone 01 January 2024

Best Crypto Trading Bot for Passive Income in 2024

The lucrative world of blockchain development and how you can profit from it

As a former corporate drone, I never imagined I’d be able to quit my day job and make a full-time living as a blockchain developer. But in the past few years, this rapidly growing industry has opened up a world of new opportunities for tech professionals like myself.

In this article, I’ll give you an inside look at my journey into the blockchain space and share how you can leverage these in-demand skills to make money too — whether through a full-time job, freelancing, or even building your own automated trading bots.

We strongly recommend that you check out our secret crypto trading platform we leverage to make stunning profits in mere seconds.

My Lightbulb Moment: Realizing Blockchain’s Potential

I first heard about blockchain technology in 2017 when crypto prices were exploding. But it wasn’t until recently that I truly grasped the immense potential of this groundbreaking innovation.

Blockchain has applications far beyond just powering cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. It can transform and disrupt practically every industry imaginable — from finance and healthcare to real estate and supply chain management. I realized that getting in early as a blockchain developer could be an extremely lucrative career move.

The more I researched, the more convinced I became. There simply aren’t enough qualified blockchain engineers to meet the rapidly growing demand. One key factor that drew me in is that this industry is still in its early stages. Compare it to the early days of the Internet — there are so many new applications and use cases waiting to be built.

I knew that becoming a blockchain developer would provide me with a future-proof skillset. And I was right — it gave me the freedom and income to quit my office job and work for myself.

Landing a Full-Time Blockchain Engineering Role

The most straightforward path is to simply get hired as a full-time blockchain engineer. Salaries at major companies typically start at around $150k and can reach up to $200–300k for those with specialized knowledge and experience.

Given the supply and demand imbalance, blockchain developers are in an excellent negotiating position. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you’re worth. I was able to double my salary by making the switch from web development to blockchain.

There are a few core skills you’ll need to land one of these lucrative roles:

  • Solid programming fundamentals in languages like JavaScript, Python and Java
  • In-depth knowledge of core blockchain protocols like Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric
  • Experience with Ethereum development tools like Solidity, Web3.js and Truffle
  • Understanding of cryptographic concepts like hashes and digital signatures
  • Familiarity with blockchain architecture and decentralized app (dApp) development

Many companies are also looking for experience with specific Layer 2 scaling solutions like Polygon and Arbitrum. Having some background in computer science fundamentals like data structures and algorithms is also a huge plus.

I invested about 6 months into self-study and building personal projects before I felt ready to start apply for jobs. This allowed me to stand out and command a top salary.

Consulting & Freelancing: Earn 6 Figures Working for Yourself

Alternatively, you can leverage your blockchain expertise to work for yourself as an independent consultant or freelancer.

This is an especially attractive option right now given the massive shortage of blockchain talent. By tapping into remote freelance marketplaces, you can potentially earn over $100 per hour or more.

Some of the most lucrative freelancing opportunities include:

  • Smart contract auditing — Reviewing Solidity code for security vulnerabilities and bugs. Rates can be up to $200/hour.
  • dApp development — Designing and building decentralized applications for clients. Especially hot right now are DeFi and NFT projects.
  • Private blockchain development — Helping enterprises implement custom blockchain solutions.
  • Crypto trading bots — Automated trading algorithms that leverage blockchain oracle data.

I prefer freelancing over a regular 9–5 since it allows me to be location independent and work on projects that spark my interest. I’m on track to surpass $300k in revenue this year.

The main requirements are having proven experience shipping real-world blockchain projects and the ability to effectively communicate and collaborate with clients.

Building up a strong professional brand and network in the blockchain space is also crucial to continually attract new business. I’ve found that participating in hackathons and conferences helps a lot with this.

Building Passive Income Streams with Crypto Trading Bots

Perhaps the most exciting way to monetize your blockchain skills is to build your own crypto trading bots. This allows you to generate completely passive income streams.

Crypto markets are open 24/7, so trading bots allow you to make money while you sleep. Even with the recent volatility, experienced bot developers are earning upwards of $5k per month on average. One of my students made over $10k within his first month!

So how do crypto trading bots work under the hood?

There are two primary strategies:

Arbitrage Bots

These bots seek to capitalize on temporary price discrepancies across different exchanges. For example, if BTC is trading for $31k on Binance but $30.5k on Coinbase, the bot will simultaneously buy BTC cheaper on Coinbase and sell it for a higher price on Binance.

Automated Trading Bots

These use technical indicators to determine when to enter and exit trades. The bot will buy when it predicts an uptrend and sell when it detects a downtrend.

The major risk with the second strategy is that the bot’s predictions can be inaccurate, leading to losing trades.

That’s why I recommend arbitrage bots over automated trading bots in the current market conditions. Arbitrage is lower risk because you are capturing price differences that exist right now, rather than making guesses about future price movements.

How to Build a No-Money-Down Crypto Arbitrage Bot

Here are the key steps involved in developing a crypto arbitrage bot that requires zero upfront capital:

  1. Build a decentralized exchange wrapper — This smart contract integrates with DEX trading protocols like Uniswap to fetch price data and execute orders. This allows us to trade directly on-chain.
  2. Implement flash loan logic — Flash loans allow you to borrow without collateral for the duration of a single transaction. This provides the capital needed for your arbitrage trades.
  3. Develop the external bot logic — This bot scans prices across decentralized exchanges, identifies arbitrage opportunities, and then calls the smart contract to execute the trades.
  4. Route profits to your wallet — Any price discrepancies captured by the arbitrage are booked as profit and sent directly to your wallet. No need to fund an account!

I’ve architected each component so that they work together seamlessly. The end result is a hands-off arbitrage engine that consistently prints money with zero risk.

Glimpse Into My Life As a Blockchain Developer

Pursuing blockchain development has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Here’s what my lifestyle looks like today:

  • I’m on track to make over $500k this year from my crypto arbitrage bots and freelance contracts. The passive income from my trading bots allows me to work only 10 hours per week.
  • I’m now location independent and spend my time working from exotic destinations like Costa Rica and Thailand.
  • I have the freedom to choose what projects I work on. I only take on freelance clients that I’m genuinely excited about.
  • I’ve built an amazing community of fellow blockchain developers, entrepreneurs and thought leaders. The connections I’ve made are invaluable.
  • Each day I’m gaining exposure to bleeding-edge technologies that are shaping the future. It’s incredibly fulfilling work.

The blockchain space moves incredibly fast, so I’m constantly learning new tools, protocols and best practices. But it’s certainly an exciting industry to be part of right now.