
The crypto trading bot which makes me $2.95 daily

valuezone 07 December 2022

The crypto trading bot which makes me $2.95 daily

I invested heavily in different coins during the crypto boom and traded them manually. My strategy worked fine until the crypto market started to turn into a bear market. To create a passive income stream by trading cryptocurrencies I was looking for a bot that could help to do it automatically. This is how I found 

What is?

a cryptocurrency trading platform with the goal of helping users build automated trading bots. This platform works with most major cryptocurrency exchanges and includes features such as dollar-cost averaging bots, portfolios, and more.

They are the highly preferred crypto services among the community of crypto traders. The platform offers users multiple advanced trading features such as smart trading tools and automated trading bots by utilizing which they can enhance their profits and minimize the risks significantly.

The trading bot stats

The trading bot I am talking about is based on the DCA Strategy (Dollar-Cost-Average). It is also a multi-Currency Bot based on BTC. This means that I will trade different currencies with BTC as a baseline. Also, it is a LONG-Bot only.

The bot settings

BTC Multi Long Bot settings part 1
BTC Multi Long Bot settings part 2

The bot was created on 1st October 2022 and is trading 24/7.

The bot results

So far, the bot has completed over 780 deals with a profit of around $200.59.

BTC Multi Long Bot Profit by day

This is around $2.95 per day. But as you can see on the graph on some days it does a lot more than $120 and on some not.

BTC Multi Long Bot Profit by pair

The best profit comes from BTC/DOGE, BTC/AXS, BTC/LTC, and others.

What are you waiting for?

I think trading bots could be a big help to automate the trading of multiple currencies 24/7. But they need to have a stable infrastructure to do so. is a great platform to give a try.

Besides that, the license costs could greatly impact your ROI, so your bots need to make at least that amount of money + trading costs. Please notice that those costs are not included in the  profit statements.

If you want to copy the BTC Multi Long Bot please click on the following link to get it: Get it